Makeups thats workss unders as masks

Makeup that works under a mask

Makeup that works under a mask

Makeup that works under a mask
Makeup that works under a mask

Now that wearing a mask is our new normal, we need an everyday makeup look that works with and without a mask. An OTT eye look sans lipstick is odd. But an OTT eye look plus lipstick is a bit much – and it smudges under your mask. So take your cue from Armani Privé SS20. Masks draw attention to brows, so fill them in for definition. For a smooth, even canvas choose a hydrating foundation. Keep blush and mascara minimal – this is not the time for tarantula lashes. And, finally, swipe on a bright lipstick… after you’ve taken your mask off.There is a thrill in discovering an incredible product from a little-known brand. It rarely ever happens, hence I am so excited about this cleanser. It is hands down one of the best and most effective I have used in my life. Yes, high praise indeed. Here’s why. The sticky, gummy paste works as a cleanser, mask and exfoliator and does all three jobs brilliantly. The key ingredient is Kakadu plum extract. Found in Australia, it is one of the best natural sources of vitamin C (so, while using this product, an SPF is essential) and phenolic acid (a gentle exfoliator). When you apply the sticky substance to dry skin, it grips on and lifts dirt, bacteria and dead skin cells. On adding water, it turns milky and rinses off incredibly easily – you don’t need a cloth. You are immediately left with clean, balanced, brighter skin that doesn’t feel tight or greasy. After using it for a few days, I noticed my skin was clearer, more even and less prone to breakouts (the formula also includes eucalyptus oil, which is a great antibacterial agent). It is suitable for all skin types, so I can’t imagine anyone not getting on with this. Yes, you may have a gripe about the gummy texture, but when you see the results, you won’t care. I certainly don’t. In fact, I am pretty much obsessed with this now. So if the brand, for some unknown reason, decides to discontinue it, God help me. Oilixia
