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Wrong attitudes, wrong economic ideas, wrong idea of the border, wrong ideas about energy, wrong ideas about the size of government, the dems just have it all wrong Help Me I Have Too Many Things To Do Classic T-Shirt . And sadly, the public never hears it because the media is so leftist biased, that they never cover anything that would make the dems look bad, or their policies look as bad as they are. Any comment truthfully disagreeing with the dems presented in the media is considered “not consistent with social standardsWhy do Trump supporters in the USA call me a communist although I vote for a party in my home country which is centered-right? I am neither a Trump nor Biden supporter but I support the free market and I believe in liberal democracy. They throw out words like Fascism, Socialism and Communism without really knowing the definitions. If they knew the real meanings, they would know that Donald Trump was moving our country to Fascism.
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